GSSN CPD Offer 2023/24

Following on from our very successful PE Conference on the 20th of September, these are the CPD requests that have so far been identified by our schools:

Our first ‘HOT TOPIC’ session will be taking place at Harewood Infant School on Tuesday 24th October from 16.00-17.00. This will cover the PESS Premium Allocation, Spend and Evidence of Impact.

Following this we will be running session 2 ( TBC at Elmbridge Primary), looking at the very good assessment tool that they currently use to track ‘whole pupil’ progress.

The Youth Sports Trust will then be running a 2-hour session looking at the new online reporting tool for the PESS Premium. for which the GSSN is a phase 1 pilot.

On top of this, the following requests have been made:

Active 30 -Whole staff training – 1 hour twilight 

Positive Playtimes – lunchtime supervisors training 45 mins

The STEP principle – how to differentiate in PE teaching – whole staff training 45 mins

Play Leaders – pupil training session, theory and practical

Teaching Games without Names – can be whole staff 45 min CPD or whole class teaching session.

Schools with any additional CPD requests, email Cheryl Stennett at