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June 19 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Following on last two year’s successful events, once again, we would like to invite our affiliated schools to take part in our SEND Adapted Cycling Festival at Blackbridge Athletics Track on Thursday, 19th June.

We have teamed up with the wonderful team of “Wheels for All” which will be providing 20 adapted cycles for your pupils to have a go at around the athletics track.

This event is for SEND-registered children from Key Stages 1 and 2.

Groups should be of 5 pupils. Each school can bring up to 2 groups (10 children)

This event is specifically aimed at children that cannot ride a 2 wheeled cycle.

To ensure everyone has a cycle available, we are offering slots of 1 hour with a maximum of 4 groups of 5 children in each hour slot.

Slot 1: 10.00-10.45
Slot 2: 11.00-11.45
Slot 3: 12.00-12.45

Schools, please email bh@gssn.co.uk with your chosen allocated slot and the number of children you’d like to bring – initially, a maximum of 2 groups of 5 children per school.

Please let us know if you have any pupils that will require a hoist to transfer or if they will require a hand cycle.


June 19
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Categories:


Wheels For All
View Organizer Website


Blackbridge Athletics Track
Poplar Cl
Gloucester, GL1 5TX
+ Google Map