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GSSN Welcome Back to a New Academic Year 2022/23
We are extremely excited about the year ahead which will see new schools joining the GSSN, and our faithful schools returning. We have planned a full calendar of festivals, shows, competitions, and participation events, something for every one of your pupils.
You should soon be receiving your Gloucester School Sports Handbook which contains our joint programme linked as always with the Gloucester Primary Schools’ FA, our partner Bob Owen. We are very proud of this offer and I’d like to personally thank both Bob and Belén for putting this together during the holidays.
Our first main CPD event, PE Conference, will be taking place at Oxstalls Tennis Centre on Wednesday 28th September, please book this important date into your diaries and book your place from Belén’s invitation. This day will not only provide you with information for the year ahead and inspiring workshops but also give you the opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues in your field.
All schools have now received our Specialist Curriculum Support form with our offer – please complete this and return it to us as soon as possible, so we can start booking our Specialist Team into your schools.
As the debate continues in Westminster on Physical Education as a core subject in schools, as a statutory entitlement for all children and young people we must feel positive about our subject. We know too well the power that Sport has in changing and improving the lives of our pupils. With our collective drive and determination, we really can make an impactful difference for our children.
I hope to see you all at the PE Conference, here’s to a great year ahead.
Kind regards
Cheryl & Belén
Important – Please remember to sign up for School Games 2022/23 at

What a glorious morning of pure spectacle gymnastics. The Year 1 and 2 pupils performed their floor and vault with complete concentration and focus. They represented their schools with pride.</p> <p>They were amazing - well done to everyone who took part.

FRAME RUNNING 'HAVE A GO DAY' Sunday 29th May 12-4pm
Try Frame Running & other activities including wheelchair racing and adapted cycling.
Free event for all ages from 4+to adults, all abilities. With Gloucester Athletics Club at Blackbridge Jubilee Athletics Track, GL1 5TX

Swimming Gala 2022
We were pleased to welcome 9 large and 6 small schools to our Primary Schools Gala yesterday, our first one in three years. Over 500 pupils taking to the water!
The GL1 roar was even louder than the Cheltenham Races roar as the swimmers raced down the pool to applaud- what a great welcome back this event proved to be.
Congratulations to our schools and competitors who took part!
Commonwealth Games Poster Design Competition!
Our Primary & Secondary Commonwealth Games Ambassadors have been keeping busy across the Gloucester City Schools. They have been delivering school assemblies, running active clubs, planning summer events, making notice boards, drawing posters and we even have a school badge.
Congratulations to the winners of our poster competition.
From Ribston Hall – Poppy P & Isla S
From Calton – Noah S
From Hempsted- Frankie S
Well done to everyone – keep up the good work!
County success For City Cross-Country Teams
What a day – Saturday!
Congratulations to all the Gloucester City cross-country squad who performed outstandingly at the county championships on Saturday – they ran like the wind!
Our Year 4/5 Girls Team finished 4th out of nine districts.The Year 4/5 Boys Team Finished 2nd out of nine districts – silver medals.The Year 6 Girls were also 2nd along with the Year 6 boys – silver medals.
We also celebrated our first county champion, Martha Marsden, from Kings who won the Year 6 girls race, an outstanding achievement. And 6 runners will be representing Gloucestershire at the National Championships.
This was a very proud day to be a Gloucester City athlete, teacher, or parent. Thank you all for your support.
Please request any silver medals for those children who had to leave before the presentations.
Kind regards
Cheryl StennettGSSN Network Manager / School Games Organiser
Today’s Cross country Training Session Cancelled (18/02/22)
In light of the red weather warning issued for the area, we have made the difficult decision to cancel today’s cross-country training session. We have taken into account advice from the local authority and carefully considered the safety of students, parents, and school staff. We have not taken this decision lightly. We will do our very best to inform as many parents as we are able but please could all schools support us with this through their own communication systems. Thank you Cheryl StennettGSSN Network Manager / School Games Organiser
Elmbridge Primary SchoolTel:
Twitter: @AtGSSN

KS2 Panathlon Challenge
Yesterday saw over 30 local primary pupils taking part in our annual Panathlon Challenge. The event was held at Henley Bank School and supported by their wonderful Sports Leaders. All the participants had a great time taking on each challenge with everyone receiving a t-shirt and medal for their efforts. Well done to everyone who took part.

Sportshall Athletics 2022
Thank you to all the schools who took a leap of faith and attended our Sportshall Athletics event last Friday – and what a fantastic atmosphere did we all feel. I can quite honestly say that I have never seen so many smiling faces and energised pupils and staff as I did last week. Competing in a safe and secure environment and enjoying every second. Well done to all the pupils and the Churchdown School Sport leaders who gave their all to each and every event and to the staff who made this wonderful experience possible. And the results are in! Congratulationsto our two winners. Small Schools – Coney HillLarge Schools – Robinswood

News Article title
Event Lead
Brian Mobberley from the Gloucester Hockey Club is supporting the GSSN with the running of the Quicksticks Hockey – Development Teams Tournament.
The Teams
This competition is for pupils in Year 5 and Year 6.
Teams will be 4-a-side with squad size being a maximum of 6 players.
There must be 2 girls and 2 boys on the pitch at all times.
Gender/mixed – 2 boys and 2 girls on the pitch from a squad of 6
First named team to provide match ball (if possessed); second named team to change/wear bibs in case of colour clash.
Students need to wear proper trainers and MUST wear shin guards
Schools should bring their own equipment if possessed (hockey sticks & Quicksticks balls) & a set of bibs in case of colour clashes.
Gum shields are advised but not compulsory
Schools will be responsible for their first aid
Photographs may be taken so please arrange your school permission