Our Spring OAA Festival on Wednesday, 26th February, has proven very popular. As a result, we have organised an additional event on Friday, 28th February from 9.30-11.30. This will be a mixed Key Stage session.
Teams are of 10 mixed KS children
Pupils will participate in a series of orienteering/team challenges and even will have a chance to navigate the nature sculpture trail.
They can spot wildlife around them and enjoy a truly special outdoor experience on their doorstep, which we hope will inspire them to take family and friends back.
The activities will encourage teamwork, listening, cooperation, decision-making, leadership, and trust. Plus we will include our ever-popular OAA obstacle course.
This will be a fun, non-competitive festival for your pupils to experience a new and exciting opportunity. This festival is aimed at those pupils who have not represented their school in previous sporting events and who might prefer a less competitive activity.
Schools wishing to take part, please email bh@gssn.co.uk to register a team/s.